20th June - Summer Dance

Welcome to Malvern Scottish Dancing Club

Want to get a bit fitter. Scottish country dancing is an enjoyable and sociable way of exercising your body and mind - all to foot-tapping music.

You do not need to be super-fit to join in the dancing, but you do need to be able to move at a reasonable pace. You don’t have to come with a partner, nor do you need any special clothes though soft-soled flat shoes or trainers will enable you to dance more easily.

We meet at Holy Trinity Hall in Malvern (Worcestershire) on
Thursday evenings from 7.15 pm - 9.30 pm
Your first visit will cost you nothing, so come and try us out.
If you decide you would like to join the club, the annual subscription is £5 plus £3.00 an evening.

Beginners / Intermediates

The beginners' classes start in September and are ideal for those who have done little or no Scottish dancing.

7:15 - 8:00 This time is dedicated to teaching the basic steps and formations of Scottish dancing.
8:00 - 8:20  Join the main meeting in simple dances to practise what you have learnt.

Ideally you will join us at the start of the Autumn term as the classes build on formations you will have learnt in earlier sessions.  

The Intermediate classes start in January and build on what is learnt in the Autumn term.

If you wish to join after November you should have done Scottish Dancing or some other similar form of dancing. As a minimum you should be able to do a figure of eight reel.


 8:00-9:30 All dances are walked through before dancing.  
Dances after 8:30 are more advanced and as a minimum you should be able to do a figure of eight reel.

You are also welcome to join the beginner's classes as more having experienced dancers in the set helps beginners to learn faster.

Come and try our free session to see whether it is for you,

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